HEART SCREENINGS AND CARDIAC RISKS--How to Reduce Risks of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Young Athletes. We will look at deaths from heat stroke and the impact of myocarditis.
Sheldon Hill
Safe Beat
Shanyn Lancaster
Arizona State University
Head Team Physician-Section Chief-Sports Medicine
Darren Sudman
Simon’s Heart
Session #2--12:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
CONCUSSIONS--How to Implement Effective Concussion Management Programs and Protect Athlete Brains
Kyle Auffray
VP Sales & Marketing
Drew Ferguson
Coach Safely Foundation
Dick Gould
Teaching Aids
Vice Chair
Brent Novoselsky
Retired Prof Football Players of Chicago
Bnai Brith Sports Lodge
Session #3--4:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
ATHLETE ABUSE--Reducing risks of athlete abuse
Theo Fleury
Former NHL Player
Fleury Enterprises
Marcia Frederick
World Gymnastic Champion
USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame
Dan Murphy
Investigative Reporter
Jessica Ogunnorin
Virginia Commonwealth University
Session #4--5:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
MENTAL HEALTH--Keeping Athletes Minds Healthy--Impact of competitive sports, COVID and other issues
Drew Ferguson
Coach Safely Foundation
Akilah Carter-Francique
San Jose State University
Institute for Study Sports, Society and Social Change
Bobby Hallback
Sports Psychologist
Christine Pinalto
Sidelined USA
Session #5--11:00 am Central Time (Chicago)
COVID-19--Managing the requirements of regulatory entities and schools districts and balancing the needs of athletes, coaches and sports organizations.
Sean Frazier
Northern Illinois University
Athletic Director
Shanyn Lancaster
Arizona State University
Head Team Physician-Section Chief-Sports Medicine
Christine Pinalto
Sidelined USA
Session #6--12:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
COVID-19--What is the long-term fallout from COVID-19? What are the long-term risks to health and safety of the athletes? How has COVID-19 impacted mental health, domestic violence and other issues that have arisen from isolation? How does COVID impact Title IX decisions for colleges and universities?
Shanyn Lancaster
Arizona State University
Head Team Physician-Section Chief-Sports Medicine
Ricky Volante
The Professional Collegiate League
Session #7--4:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
DRUG EDUCATION--Drugs continue to be a difficult challenge for our society. How do we talk to kids about the effect drugs have on their body? How can we teach them to navigate society's stigma on addictions-a stigma which often prevents them from getting the help that they need.
Tim Harrington
Wide Wonder
Making Mental Health and addiction recovery an everyday conversation
Darren Tessitore
Foundation for a Drug Free World
National Trainer
Session #8--5:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
Malorie Polster
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Prevention Science Fellow
Division of Prevention Science, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
Alison Vaux-Bjerke
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Public Health Analyst
Division of Prevention Science, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion