Session 1: Baselining “Happy” in the Age of Internet/Social Media
Hypothesis: People often assume more time should be spent on positive emotions, and the lack of constant happiness indicates a problem.
Goal: Reset baseline expectations about happiness.
Inquiry: How happy are you compared to the average person?
Session 2: Being a Whole Person Means Having Negative Emotions Sometimes
Hypothesis: People often avoid negative emotions without understanding their necessity and usefulness.
Goal: Understand the usefulness of all emotions and promote wholeness.
Inquiry: Which parts of your emotional self do you dislike or wish to eliminate?
Session 3: Distress Tolerance of Negative Emotions
Hypothesis: Tolerating psychological discomfort makes individuals stronger, wiser, and happier.
Goal: Link positive outcomes of negative emotions in life.
Inquiry: How are your negative emotions linked to your happiness?
Session 4: Mindset and Your Ability to Choose
Hypothesis: Mindset determines happiness, stress tolerance, and outcomes.
Goal: Understand how resilience comes from reacting to adversity.
Inquiry: What is your attitude toward adversity, and how do you react to it?
Session 5: Positive Psychology Benefits
Hypothesis: Positive psychology can improve lives when coupled with self-understanding.
Goal: Introduce the PERMA model’s best practices for ultimate flourishing.
Inquiry: Reflect on things you are grateful for.
Session 6: Meaning and Mattering in Life
Hypothesis: Thriving requires finding meaning and understanding mattering and belonging.
Goal: Help participants discover their meaning.
Inquiry: Explore the concept of having a “why” for life.
Session 7: Reflection and Declaration of a New Resilient You
Hypothesis: Reflection leads to empowerment and goal achievement.
Goal: Reflect on progress, share takeaways, and declare a resilient future.
Inquiry: Where do I go from here, and what are my plans for the next 12 months?