In case you missed our Sports Philanthropy Town Hall on Racism, Tolerance and Reform on July 1st, you can now watch the videos! Please make sure to take our survey after you watch the videos!!
You can see the graphics for the panels and speakers who participated in our event.
The response has been tremendous and there is growing interest in becoming part of our Task Force. If you would like to be considered for a role on our Task Force, please let us know and we will include you in the application process.

In addition to the Town Hall meeting, we also released our comprehensive report which compiles all of the statements teams, leagues and sports organizations made about their efforts to condemn racism and their actions to combat racism.
Our goal is to spotlight those commitments, as well as find a way to track how well these organizations were able to follow through on their promises. We hope all of you will support and encourage organizations in your community to live up to the commitments.
All donations from this page between now and July 31, 2020 will be earmarked towards programs under our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion initiative. We encourage you to give generously to allow us to work to make meaningful change and to support the many organizations that are doing terrific work in this space. Please click below to make your donation
Help support all of our work and initiatives by becoming an Insider of the Sports Philanthropy Network or making a donation to support these specific initiatives.
Since many states are opening up operations, we adjusted our schedule going forward. We are happy that we were able to serve so many organizations during the initial stages of the COVID-19 crisis and we look forward to having you as part of our Network.
- Webinars every Wednesday at 11 am ET/10 CT/9 MT/8 PT
- COVID-19 Sports Resource Page
- Combat Racism Resource Page (Coming Soon)
- Sports Philanthropy Podcast will be released every Tuesday, and Thursday
Check out our resource page which has lessons, tips, ideas and links to organizations that are offering free resources and free consultations to help through this difficult time. We hope you take advantage of these resources!
Roy Kessel (rkessel@sportsloop.com)
Join our host Roy Kessel each week for the Sports Philanthropy Podcast
Coming Thursday!!
Coming June 11, 2020 Coming June 9, 2020
Our Podcasts will be released every Tuesday and Thursday
See our full list of Podcasts here!!
To stay connected with the Sports Philanthropy Network follow our social media accounts
- Facebook: @SportsPhilanthropy
- Instagram: sportsphilanthropy
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/sportsphilanthropynetwork/
- Twitter: @SportsPhilanNet
- Youtube: Sports Philanthropy Network
- July 12, 2020–Special Olympics Chicago/Special Children’s Charities: Virtual Summer Camp Begins Monday July 13
- July 12, 2020–The Sports Shed: Their Lives Matter #BeAboutIt
- July 11, 2020–Special Olympics Chicago/Special Children’s Charities: New Merchandise that Supports Special Olympics Chicago Athletes
- July 11, 2020–National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics: Developing & Executing Diversity and Inclusion Plan Webinar (Jul 14, 2020 01:00 PM ET)
- July 10, 2020–Sport for Good Atlanta Leadership Council Collaborates With Local & National Organizations to Provide Summer Sport Kits to 300 Families on Atlanta’s Westside
- July 10, 2020–Equilibria in Sports: Free Diversity and Inclusion Webinar (July 14th and 16th from 8:00-9:30 PM (ET) / 7:00-8:30 PM (CT)
- July 10, 2020–Sharks Foundation Virtual Community Clean-Up: Anytime Between July 13 at 9am PT and July 19 at 5pm PT
- July 10, 2020–Marathon Standout Daniel Romanchuk Joins the Clif Family
- July 10, 2020–The Josh Gibson Foundation and the Negro Leagues 100th Anniversary
- July 10, 2020–The Aspen Institute Project Play: The Recovery We Need Now on July 15
- July 10, 2020–Chris Long Foundation Commits $100K TO Digdeeps Navajo Water Project
- July 10, 2020–Inclusive Schools Build Inclusive Societies
- July 10, 2020–Aspen Institute Project Play: TeamSnap data, Youth Sports Teams Return to Play Faster Than Expected
- July 9, 2020–Return to Play Live Expert Q&A: Guidance for Athletic Programs (Jul 14, 2020, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM )
- July 9, 2020--Black College Football Hall of Fame Silent Auction: Ends July 15
- July 9, 2020–Women’s Roller Derby Has a Plan for Covid, and It Kicks Ass
- July 9, 2020–Why Activist Athletes Are Needed Today More Than Ever
- July 9, 2020–Aspen Institute Project Play: Congratulates Her Next Play, a 2020 Project Play Champion.
- July 9, 2020–CharityHowTo: How To Set Your Nonprofit Up for Social Media Fundraising Success
- July 9, 2020–Rams’ Sebastian Joseph-Day Purchases Computers for Students in Watts
- July 9, 2020–Zombie Philanthropy: The Rich Have Stashed Billions in Donor-Advised Charities — but It’s Not Reaching Those in Need
- July 9, 2020–High School Football Forges Ahead in Some States Despite Positive Tests, COVID-19 Concerns
- July 8, 2020– Apply for Sport for Gender Equality Collective Impact Award Supported by Comic Relief
- July 8, 2020–Athletes, Coaches and Chaplains Encourage People to Share Their Stories of Victory
- July 8, 2020–Bloomberg Square Mile Relay Launches Virtual Club
- July 8, 2020–Returning to Youth Sports: Is Your Young Athlete Ready?
- July 8, 2020–Good Sports: Donate to Restore Play
- July 8, 2020–Prevent Epidemics: Reopening America’s Schools, a Public Health Approach
- July 8, 2020–Sam Acho (NFL Player) , Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, and Others Have a Big Plan for a Liquor Store in Austin Chicago Neighborhood
- July 8, 2020–SeventySix Capital Leadership Series – Kenneth Shropshire
- July 8, 2020–An Open Letter to the Stanford Community and the Stanford Athletics Family
- July 8, 2020–Fatherhood Gov: What it Means to Be a Dad
- July 7, 2020–PODCAST: S2:EP43–Bryan Zuzga, Sports Philanthropy Network
- July 7, 2020–ASU Sports Business Series: Global Organizations in Africa (July 13-16)
- July 7, 2020–What’s Next for Staff & Internal Teams?
- July 7, 2020–U.S. Olympians Call for Abolition of Rule Prohibiting Protest
- July 7, 2020–Dodgers Foundation CEO Nichol Whiteman Provides a Strong Voice for Black Women
- July 7, 2020–Sports Facilities Management Recreation and Sports Re-Open Kit
- July 7, 2020–Aspen Institute Project Play’s Application for Program: Reimagining School Sports in America
- July 7, 2020–Stem Sports Newsletter
- July 7, 2020–Aspen Institute Project Play’s Eight Questions to Ask Your Child’s Sports Provider about COVID-19 Safety Measures
- July 7, 2020–Why Would You Say That?’ Black Iowa HS Baseball Player Told ‘Go Back to the Fields’ During Game
- July 7, 2020–Michigan Football Players Launch Nonprofit to Outfit Youth Sports Teams
- July 7, 2020–Positive Coaching Alliance Shares How Athletics Can Help Shape an Equitable Society
- July 7, 2020–National Federation of State High School Associations’ New Course: “COVID-19 for Coaches and Administrators”
- July 6, 2020–Rituals Keep These Athletes Grounded. They Can Help Parents, Too.
- July 6, 2020–Aspen Institute Project Play: Is It Safe to Play Youth Sports Indoors During COVID-19?
- July 6, 2020–Motivation From Patricia Walsh, U.S. Para-Rowing
- July 6, 2020–The Aspen Institute Project Play: Return to Play Covid 19 Risk Assessment Tool
- July 6, 2020–Kindness Wins Presents Medal of Kindness to Chelsea Phaire: Learn More About Chelsea’s Charity by Pressing the Link
- July 6, 2020–NBA, Union Approves List of Social Justice Messages for Jerseys During Restarted 2020 Season: Report
- July 6, 2020–Today Marks the Beginning of Minority Mental Health Awareness Week: Check Out the NFL’s Total Wellness Playbook
- May 22, 2020–Favre Saga Highlights Risks Athletes Face in Charitable Endeavors–Sports Philanthropy Spotlight for Team Marketing Report by Roy Kessel
- May 20, 2020–Sports Philanthropy Webinar, David Meltzer, Sports 1 Marketing
- May 17, 2020—Aspen Institute Return to Play Risk Assessment
- May 16, 2020—Rico No Suave 100th Episode featuring Roy Kessel, Founder of the Sports Philanthropy Network
- May 15, 2020–Recess is Necessary (Playworks)
- May 8, 2020—Ethical Leaders Live featuring Roy Kessel, Sports Philanthropy Network Founder
- April 29, 2020–Roy Kessel, Sports Philanthropy Spotlight for Team Marketing Report: Youth Organizations Seeking Answers
- April 29, 2020–Play Ball: New Model For Baseball Season Simulation
- April 23, 2020–Roy Kessel for the Team Marketing Report Sports Philanthropy Spotlight: NFL Draft Leads Latest Creative Philanthropic Efforts
- April 15, 2020–Sports Philanthropy Spotlight by Roy Kessel (Team Marketing Report): Sports Nonprofits Fight to Adapt to the New Normal
For more details, please visit our Event Calendar
Make sure to email your events to Roy Kessel at events@sportsloop.com so we can include them in our Sports Philanthropy Event Calendar!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Our expectation is that most events will be cancelled. We encourage you to check with the individual organizations to determine whether events will proceed as scheduled.
Once we receive information about new dates, we will update them in our event calendar.