Mission Statement:
For many decades, the New York Yankees have been known for their incredible accomplishments with the World Series Championships and their star-studded MLB team; however, the New York Yankees coin their most prized possession as the amazing charitable work they do for the state of New York. In fact, the Yankees often collaborate with community-based groups to organize events at Yankee Stadium and devote millions of dollars in resources to different outreach programs aimed at providing beneficial educational, recreational, and social outlets for New York City citizens.


El Museo Del Barrio: The Yankees collaborated with El Museo del Barrio to fund multilingual public programs, educational activities, festivals, and special events in honor of the museum’s community initiatives and emphasis.
LeAp: Learning through an Expanded Arts Program, Inc. (LeAp) is dedicated to combating illiteracy and enhancing the quality of public education for kids by teaching the core curriculum in a unique, hands-on, arts-based manner. In fact, LeAp’s programming reaches over two million NYC students in grades K-12.
Highbridge Voices: Through their active engagement in the performing arts, the Yankees are devoted to supporting initiatives to ensure excellence in the lives of youth. Local community organization Highbridge Voices was invited to play the National Anthem before a game on June 18, 2019, as well as Christmas music during the Yankees annual Winter Wonderland event.

NYPL Summer Reading Program: The Yankees and the New York Public Library (NYPL) collaborate to inspire New York City schoolchildren to put their reading abilities from the previous academic year to use by challenging them to read throughout the summer months.
Literacy Inc.: The Yankees collaborated with Literacy, Inc. (LINC) to sponsor the sixth annual Reading on the Rails event at Yankee Stadium on August 12, 2019. The initiative encourages kids and families to bring a book with them and read while traveling to and from places in their usual, daily lives.
Bronx Education All-Star Day: For three years in a row, the Yankees have collaborated with the New York City Department of Education (DOE) to implement an incentive program that motivates and enhances the educational experience of students (grades 5-8) attending Bronx-based schools (Districts 7-12) and recognizes their achievements throughout the school year.

Fans for the Cure: During Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, the Yankees collaborated with Fans for the Cure, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University Medical Center, and Weill Cornell Medicine to save the lives of its fans and workers from prostate cancer.
Healthy Home Plate: The Healthy Home Plate Program allows local kids to engage in a program that emphasizes the value of cooking cheap, healthy meals but also implementing these meals into their lifestyle.
High School Blood Donor Championship: To address the issue of a dwindling blood donor base, the Yankees and the New York Blood Center formed a collaboration. The New York Yankees High School Blood Donor Championship was born as a byproduct.


Hispanic Heritage Month: During September and October, the Yankees passionately embraced Hispanic Heritage Month by emphasizing, honoring, and embracing Hispanic heritage, language, culture, and customs.
Bronx Dominican Day Parade: The 30th anniversary of the Bronx Dominican Day Parade’s efforts to promote and nurture Latin culture and customs in the Bronx neighborhood was celebrated in 2019. The Yankees were honored to once again participate in the scholarship program, this time by awarding ten scholarships to Bronx Dominican Day Parade participants.
National Puerto Rican Day Parade: The National Puerto Rican Day Parade was founded to raise awareness and strengthen the Puerto Rican community through the promotion of culture, education, scholarships, and civic involvement. The Yankees expanded their educational outreach efforts by awarding scholarships to seven youngsters in their communities who exhibited the qualities of hard work and devotion.
Pitch In For Baseball: The Yankees and Pitch In For Baseball collaborate with the Public Schools Athletic League and the New York City Parks and Recreation Department to guarantee that local kids have access to the equipment they need to engage in organized baseball and softball activities.
PLAY BALL, Stickball: Major League Baseball and the Yankees, in collaboration with the Youth Stickball League (YSL), staged “The Bronx Stickball Classic” on River Avenue between 158th and 161st Streets in the Bronx, featuring Youth Stickball League players.
CHSAA All-Star Game: The Yankees and the Catholic High Schools Athletic Association (CHSAA) collaborated to stage the CHSAA’s Baseball All-Star Game at Yankee Stadium.

To learn more visit https://www.mlb.com/yankees/community