Las Vegas Aces Spotlight

The Las Vegas Aces are committed to impacting and improving the Las Vegas community. They have a special emphasis on diversity and inclusion, health and wellness, and education. With this, they can lead the way through community-based programs and partnerships to encourage the love of basketball in Las Vegas.


Lace Up- This is a mentorship program dedicated for high school girls’ basketball teams in the Clark County school district. Teams will be selected for a series of workshops to learn about recruiting, financial skills, professional development, and college in general. Along with these workshops, the teams will also receive mentorships from Aces players, free tickets to Aces games, and more. Grades 9-12 are eligible to apply

Give & Go- Through this program, the Aces offer free tickets to organizations who serve and support the Las Vegas community. The tickets are donated for community by season ticket holders and corporate partners. You can apply for the free tickets through the Las Vegas Aces website

Pride Night- In June, The Aces host a pride night to celebrate and honor local LGBTQ+ organizations, such as The Center, HRC, Lambda, and more. The Aces are proud to celebrate their heritage and diverse cultures in the Las Vegas LGBTQ+ community and are happy they get a chance to bring awareness to it.

Heroes of the House- The Aces host a on-court ceremony in July to recognize organizations that serve the city of Las Vegas and our country. The ceremony honors the men and women who dedicated their lives to this cause. Some of the organizations include the Las Vegas Metro Police Department, Las Vegas Fire Department, US Vets, and more.

Slam Dunk Health Challenge- This program is a 4-week challenge for students in the 1st-5th grade. Students can earn points through different physical activities and eating healthy. The students receive a video of the Aces players that encourage them to participate, and the first-place winners receive a special visit from the players themselves

Aces Academy- The Aces Academy develops lifelong fans and emphasizes the importance of healthy living through camps and paid clinics. The Aces offer six free clinics that include on-court drills and competition. They also host a camp for boys and girls to learn the skills of basketball from Aces players

Toy Drives- Each year, the Aces donate Aces basketballs to the 98.5 KLUC Chet Buchanan Toy Drive and 95.5 The Bull Toys for Tickets drive. Both toy drives collect enough toys to fill several trucks and donate them to local charities that serve families in need in the Las Vegas community

Charitable Partners:


Learn more about the Las Vegas Aces and their community initiatives here.

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