Every American citizen depends on transportation. Individuals, families, communities, businesses, etc. benefit from public transportation or rely on it. Transportation is what connects people to places and possibilities. Public transportation consists of buses, commuter trains, taxis, and bikes. Investing in
public transportation also spurs the local and national economy. According to “Public Transportation Facts” from the American Public Transportation Association, 45% of Americans have no access to public transportation. Therefore, it is critical to find ways to make public transportation more
available for those who need it.
The YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago noticed this problem and partnered with Lyft and LyftUp’s Bikeshare Access Program to offer free Divvy Bike Memberships. The memberships are available for eligible 16-20-year-olds through the month of May. The program includes unlimited 45-minute bike
rides from the Divvy app for one year. Young people depend on transportation to get to school, work, and other important matters, hence why the YMCA and Lyft will offer bikeshare memberships that will give them access to reliable transportation and opportunities.
Accessing this free membership does not require a card, only an online safety course that will grant them the bikeshare pass. To qualify, one must simply complete the online training module, take a screenshot of the completion page when completed, create or login to a Divvy Account, and then go to the YMCA of Metro Chicago’s website and select ‘Lyft Bikeshare for Youth’ from the dropdown menu. From there, upload a screenshot of the completed Training
Module and within a week a membership confirmation will be given from Lyft along with a purchase notification and a prompt to set a password. After, one can go to their local YMCA to receive a free helmet and rent a bike through the Divvy app. It is an easy process but be aware that the membership expires after a year when the activation started. This free program is only
offered through the month of May, so all the qualifications must be completed before then to register!
This free program is a great way to bring awareness to public transportation in America. Lack of transportation is still a growing issue to this day and needs to be addressed. If society sees this free program and supports it, perhaps more of these free programs will come about and the transportation
issue can be resolved.