University of Michigan Spotlight

The athletic department at University of Michigan created the initiative Lets Go Do to encourage student-athletes to make an impact in the surrounding community. This program gives athletes the ability to use their leadership skills to make positive change.

Focal Areas  

Civic Engagement 


Global engagement 

Health & Wellness 


Michigan Buddies-This program is a year-long initiative within Ann Arbor Public Schools where student-athletes mentor an elementary student.  

“From the Heart” Visits-Every Thursday student-athletes take a visit to Mott Children’s Hospital. Patients are able to spend time with and hear from an athlete. 

Camps-Each sports team offers a camp during the summer to give athletes time to connect with kids from the community and enhance their leadership skills.

Super Athlete Field Day- One day a year Lets Go Do collaborates with the Tom Wall Foundation to offer a program that allows special education students to experience a day full of outdoor activities with student-athletes.

Bailey Whitbeck

Bailey Whitbeck

Sports Philanthropy Network

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