Foundation Spotlight

This program was named the recipient of the 2018 Allan H. Selig Award for Philanthropic Excellence. The honor recognized the Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation’s efforts to support Arlington youth through the Texas Rangers Richard Greene Scholars program. This program
has provided more than $1.2 million in college scholarships to 126 Arlington high school students over the last 22 years.

Over the past 30 years, the Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation has focused their resources on programs and grants for youth in areas of baseball, health, education, and crisis assistance. The core programs that the organization runs impacts more than 13,000 children each year.
Since 1991, The Foundation has invested $50 million to support the community and improve the lives of local children.
Summer Sluger
The Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation has partnered with digital learning innovator EverFi to help prevent the “summer slide” in 4th-5th graders. All students are invited to participate in this online, baseball-themed learning course that helps reinforce critical math and literacy skills. Students earn points, unlock levels and receive progress-based rewards throughout the summer.
Teacher Appreciation
Every season the Texas Rangers honor more than 150 Teachers of the Year by welcoming them to a game with a special on-field presentation, where they are presented with a special gift from the Rangers. Each school year, teachers in various North Texas school districts are selected by their respective school as the most outstanding teachers. Each of these teachers has a hand in molding our future presidents, accountants, musicians, educators and engineers.
Winter Storm and Covid Relief Efforts
Due to the damage caused by historic winter storms impacting the local communities, compounding the ongoing effects of COVID-19, the Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation is committed to meeting the needs of its neighbors and fans in whatever capacity they can. They hope that you will join by donating to the Foundation to help the team in their efforts to help those in need. The Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation will match each donation up to $50,000. And every single dollar will be directed toward these communities having a rough time during the end of this pandemic and the start of the new normality.
For More Information On the Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation Click Here