Task Force Application Become an Ambassador forSports Philanthropy Network! Become an Ambassador Now! Name Organization Organization Type Title Email Phone Number Address Attach Resume Linked In Profile Describe your interest in serving on a SPN Task Force. Which Task Force are you applying for? What skills will you contribute to the SPN Task Force efforts? Advocacy Communications/PR Education Fundraising Leadership Outreach Public Speaking Social Media Sponsorship Subject Matter Expertise Technology Other If you selected Other, please specify: Please check the box confirming you have reviewed the expectations and requirements posted on the SPN site. I have reviewed the expectations and requirements posted at SportsPhilanthropyNetwork.org/TaskForces. Being an SPN Ambassador is a prerequisite to serving on a SPN Task Force. Have you made the $99 donation to become an SPN Ambassador so that you receive SPN benefits and qualify for Task Force? (You can donate at the link below) I am an Ambassador of the Sports Philanthropy Network. Please check the box confirming that you give SPN permission to use your name, image and likeness as set forth below. I understand that Sports Philanthropy Network will promote my involvement in the Task Force and I give the Sports Philanthropy Network a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide license to use my name, image and likeness on the website, marketing materials, social media, and other such uses set forth in the release of posted on SportsPhilanthropyNetwork.org.TaskForces as it relates to my participation in the Task Force. Submit Become an Ambassador for the Sports Philanthropy Network now! Become an Ambassador NOW! Read the Sports Philanthropy Network Task Force Expectations and Guidelines here! Read Here!