Darrin is serving on Panel 1-Charting Your Course: Setting Your Organization’s Agenda
Based upon 25 years of Media, Sports Marketing and All Pro Dad, the national non-profit founded by Tony Dungy, Darrin is recognized as a thought leader and speaker on the topics of the Fatherless Epidemic, Parenting, and Mentor Leadership. Darrin co-authored The Jersey Effect, Beyond the World Championship, with Foreword by Tony Dungy.
Darrin serves his community with his spiritual gift of evangelism by using the platforms of Sports Ministry and Leadership as a pathway into boardrooms, classrooms and sports locker rooms across the world.
He currently serves on the Executive Leadership Team of Athletes in Action, Founder of The Culture Code ~ a system of behavioral measure indexes, Principal at The Lions Lead, and President of the Center for Serving Leadership at the Sagamore Institute ~ an Indianapolis-based action-oriented Think Tank.
Engage Darrin as a Keynote Speaker or Leadership Advisor to help take your organization to the next level with his 25+ years of executive leadership experience in communications, media, branding, sports philanthropy and non-profit sectors.
You can read more about Darrin at www.DarrinGray.com.