**Speakers and times subject to change
MONDAY, JUNE 28, 2021
Session #1--11:00 am Central Time (Chicago)
The opportunities for adaptive athletes is growing. Listen to some of the leading voices in this space share their vision for how adaptive athletes can garner the attention that they rightfully deserve.
Session #2--12:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
We have seen athletes being willing to open up and share their personal stories. How can we take these examples to empower younger athletes to be more comfortable? What is the best way to create more inclusive environments?
Session #3--04:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
We examine the challenges minorities face as the discrimination varies widely. What are the challenges minorities face both in participating in sports as well as breaking into the worlds of sports business and sports philanthropy?
Session #4--05:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
Play Equity focuses on using the power of sports to transform communities and provide opportunities for playing sports to all children. Many communities lack the resources and facilities to make sports available to everyone. Take a look at how some of the most powerful organizations are mobilizing their resources and support to ensure that all children have access to sports regardless of their race, gender, or socio-economic status.
TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 2021
Session #5--11:00 am Central Time (Chicago)
The impact of disabilities can prevent participation in many life activities. How do we make sure that sports are not an area that is foreclosed to those that want to participate as athletes, fans or employees in the sports industry! Learn how barriers are being broken every day!
Session #6--12:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
It is hard to believe that we are still having this conversation. Racism continues to rear its ugly head across the United States and around the world. How can we leverage sports to accelerate the pace of change!
Session #7--04:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
Social Justice has become a buzz word for many organizations. How do we look behind the concept and create meaningful change in our communities. Learn from leaders who have played and worked in the highest level of sports as they implement their visions for making long-lasting and transformational change in their communities.
Session #8--05:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
The barriers to women and girls in sports continue to prevent participation in so many activites. Tune in to learn from top leaders who are using their platforms to create more opportunities for girls and women!
Session #1--11:00 am Central Time (Chicago)
ADAPTIVE SPORTS--How are organizations become more effective at involved physically disabled athletes in a wider variety of sports activities. What are the obstacles to expanding adaptive sports programs and reaching a wider community of participants?
Howard Brodwin
Sport and Social Change
Dawna Callahan
All In Sports
Kiriah Crane
International Paralympic Committee
Doug Garner
University of Texas-Arlington
Session #2--12:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
LGBTQIA+: We know sport can be a powerful catalyst for positive development - from physical health, to mental health, to social and emotional wellbeing. At the same time, programming and practices that are not inclusive can be harmful. In this session, we’ll be talking to three panelists about their experiences and recommendations working in sports, or sports-based youth development, for LGBTQ inclusivity. The panelists also want to make it clear that they’ll be speaking to and representing their own experiences and identities, and not for the broader LGBTQ community.
Will McAneny (he/him)
Susan Crown Exchange
Senior Communications Associate
Danya Rosen (she or they)
Chicago Run
Executive Director
Ashley Young (she/her)
Rise Player’s Assocation Rep
University of Washington
RPA Women’s Football Dept. Chair/ Sports Enterprise Mgt. Student
Session #3--4:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
MINORITIES: Facing discrimination throughout much of their lives, minorities often face special challenges at breaking into different sports organizations both as athletes, coaches, employees and beyond. How do we continue to make the important progress of providing equitable solutions?
Jene Elzie
Athletes First Partners
Chief Growth Officer
Angel Lopez
NFL Alumni Latin Liason
John Pointer
Former NFL Player
Expert in Minority Small Business Development
Session #4--5:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
PLAY EQUITY--Opportunities for sports participation are not equal. What can we do to provide the chance for children to play when they are not given that chance, cannot afford equipment and are unable to get to the places they need to be to participate?
Bethany Henderson
America Score/DC Scores
Executive Director
Natalie Hummel
Every Kid Sports
Corinne Milien
Winning Edge Leadership Academy
Session #5--11:00 am Central Time (Chicago)
DISABILITIES--What obstacles occur which prevent individuals with disabilities from participating in the world of sports as spectators, athletes, employees and fans.
Joanna Deagle
Centre for Access to Football in Europe (CAFE)
Managing Director
Bryce Weiler
Beautiful Lives Project
Eli Wolff
Power of Sport Lab
Disabilitity in Sport International
Session #6--12:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
RACISM--The last six months have only served to highlight the racism that has existed in our world for generations. How can athletes, coaches and sports organizations use their platform to promote and ensure meaningful and lasting change?
Sean Frazier
Northern Illinois University
Athletic Director
Mim Chappell-Eber
Maccaabi USA
Legend of the Maccabiah
John Pointer
NFL Alumni
Session #7--4:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
SOCIAL JUSTICE--At the forefront of the racial battles, social justice has taken on a wider meaning. From prison reform, to restoration of voting rights to sentencing and bail reforms, athletes have taken a leading role advocating for these changes.
Tarrik Brock
Pittsburgh Pirates
First Base Coach
Howard Brodwin
Sport and Social Change
Steve Riach
One Heart Project
Reggie Smith
NFLPA Former Player Board of Directors
Business Development Executive
Session #8--5:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
WOMEN--The sports world has been, and continues to be, slow at incorporating women into all levels of sports. Women face challenges in athletic opportunities, employment, prize money, television coverage, endorsement opportunities and media exposure. Who are the leaders at breaking through the glass ceiling and how can we improve efforts across our industry while continuing to train young girls and women to lead the way.