Special Olympics Chicago held a beautiful event at Carnivale restaurant in the Fulton Market area of Chicago. A crowd of over 200 people got the opportunity to sample some of the fine cuisine from the hosts, who graciously agreed to donate the venue and the staff time to support this worthy cause.
A touching video kicked off the presentations during which the Special Olympians in attendance got the opportunity to share the staircase with the presenters. It is always impressive to see the wide-array of events that are held throughout the metropolitan area, and it was useful to have the event program list the nearly 100 events which occur in the area. The presentations were headlined by:
- Heather Kundert, Executive Director, Special Olympics Chicago
- Michael Kelley, CEO, Chicago Park District
- Skinny Sheehan, Board of Directors, Special Olympics Chicago
It was especially nice to see the Special Olympians getting the chance to speak to others in the audience and to see people treat them like celebrities by asking for their photos (and even a few autographs).
The closing touch was a gift of the Special Olympics calendar which had a terrific array of drawings from participants. Take a look at this back cover which shows the artwork from each month.