Real Salt Lake is aimed at bringing the community together, and advancing the lives of the players, coaches, and organization members through soccer. The commitment to the essential aspects and qualities of the state of Utah is what sets RSL apart.
Community Programs
Cultural Council: Navigated by using the RSL Way, this program focuses on bringing the community together and establishing a sense of familiarity amongst the families, players, and coaches.
Soccer For All: Making soccer accessible for everyone in the community and bringing positive change into social issues.
Education: One pillar of RSL in the community is making sure the quality of education is increased by using motivation and tools to help encourage students in the community.
Outreach: RSL players continue to connect with the community. They are working with hospitals, food pantries, and more. This helps them engage with their community to strengthen their interpersonal relationships with the people around them.
Youth Programs
Youth Development Academy: Including kids aged 7-18, the academy participates in youth soccer development. They offer resources for the players regarding their goals in life.
Discovery Program: This program includes kids 7-14 years old from all around Utah. Coaches teach kids about the game and help them develop into experienced soccer players.
RSL Camps: Three camps for kids from ages 5-18, each camp caters to a different area in soccer. The groups are Elite, Youth, and GK which include goalkeepers, D1, D2, and D3 players, and much more.
Free Clinics: Free youth soccer clinics are offered all summer for kids ages 5-14. All clinics are 2 hours long and are hosted by experienced coaches.