To use their platform as a Major League Soccer Team to help develop and enhance the lives of the families and children in their community through philanthropic giving and targeted programs.
Focus Areas
Activity and wellness – Providing a safe and welcoming space for children to come and exercise while having fun and remaining active.
Education – Pursuing the love for education by emphasizing good grades and test scores.
Environment – Helping to plant and grow gardens in the city with the community
Social Equality – Emphasizing the LGBTQ+, gender, BIPOC, and disability equity initiatives by encouraging social change in the community.
Champions of Play – Provide new equipment to K-5 schools in the Portland area. The children get excited about the new equipment which in turn helps them to be more active and stay healthy. Those children are then named Champions of Play!
Girl Strong Clinic – A clinic held at Providence Park inspiring young women to be leaders. They want these young women to be someone other kids can look up to as they continue to be active and live a healthy life. Post-clinic they are able to meet and chat with some of their favorite players.
Rose City Readers – Timber Joey and players visit schools in the community to inspire and show kids that if they can read at their grade level, they are more likely to accomplish big goals in life such as graduating high school, going to college, and just as the players are doing, be able to give back to their community.
Science of Soccer – Provides several students a fun field trip to have the chance to be able to learn how to break down the game of soccer by using science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Score a Goal, Plant a Tree – The Timbers players and coaches go out in local neighborhoods and plant trees to commemorate goals scored throughout the season. 3,565 trees and shrubs have been planted since 2011 alone!
Somos Timbers – This program makes a point of the importance and commitment of support to the local Latino Community by getting providing accessibility to soccer and emphasizing health and wellness.
Tix for Kids – With the support of sponsors the Timbers can provide free tickets to different youth focused nonprofit organizations.
Just three words that are used as a guideline to help the fight against racism!
Educate – Use available resources to get educated on everyday and past social justice issues.
Elevate – Speaking up in the world when you have the chance. Don’t stay silent and speak out against racism and injustices.
Engage – Take action and be educated. People have different viewpoints on the world so remain empathetic and stay kind.
Portland Timbers Community Fund
Supports charitable non–profit organizations. Must be under youth education, youth health and wellness, environment, and social equity.
50/50 Raffle
At games half of the funds raised goes to a fan and the other half is split between the Portland Timbers community and the special Olympics Oregon.
Stand Together Week
Partners and foundations come together to take care of community gardens, cleaning up local parks, feeding meals to those in need, and more.