Location: The Gathering Spot (384 Northyards Blvd., NW, Building 100)
Date: Tuesday, January 29
Start Time: 10 A.M.
Event Description: The NFL Foundation and Atlanta Super Bowl Host Committee Legacy Fund will host two InSideOut Coaching Character events. High school athletic directors and head football coaches throughout the state of Georgia will attend the first event, while youth football coaches and association leaders from Georgia will participate in the second training event. Led by InSideOut Initiative co-founders, JODY REDMAN and NFL Legend JOE EHRMANN, both trainings will center on the importance of creating a culture of care for student-athletes that focuses on transformational coaching, healthy masculinity, developing moral character and creating a positive mental health climate. The InSideOut Initiative is funded by the NFL Foundation and aimed at transforming the “win-at-all-costs” sports culture in communities across the country.