Denver Broncos Organizational Spotlight


The Denver Broncos Charities is a nonprofit organization that was established in 1996. Their mission is focused on the commitment “to improving lives…by focusing on Youth Development, Quality of Life, Health & Wellness, Youth Football and Civic engagement.”


Empowerment Summit: is a digital learning platform that targets female high school student-athletes and provides them with opportunities to access virtual resources for personal and professional development. The ultimate goal is to equip young women with tools that will benefit them in the future while simultaneously exposing them to female role models.

Denver Broncos Boys & Girls Club: Opening on August 28, 2003, the Denver Broncos Boys & Girls Club became the first and only professional sports owned branch of Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The team fully funded the facility and serves more than 1,500 children each year. Several current and former Broncos players are alumni of Boys & Girls Clubs, making this initiative hit close to home for the organization. These alumni players, Broncos teammates, and Denver Broncos Football Club staff have all committed to share their time and energy as role models for the current club members. The Club works to held members with homework, athletics, and takes fieldtrips. The facility also includes, a teen center, an outdoor sports court, and gym.  

PLAY 60: The Broncos PLAY 60 mini-site serves to provide health, fitness and nutritional information aimed at the next generation of youth. PLAY 60’s mission is to make the next generation of youth the most active and healthy. Through an inclusive, encouraging and active platform PLAY 60 encourages sustainable physical activity and healthy eating habits.  The simple goal is to make health and wellness a priority among youth.

Fight Like A Bronco: The “Fight Like A Bronco” campaign was launched under this initiative and recognizes those affected by cancer. The yearlong campaign puts an emphasis on prevention and screenings, support for those currently battling cancer, celebrating survivors, and remembering those lost. “Fight Like A Bronco” was born in 2015 after Broncos Assistant Turf Manager Luke Kellerman was diagnoses with colorectal cancer and formulated a proposal for an expansion of the NFL’s “A Crucial Catch” campaign. Just seven-months later the campaign was launched. Kellerman tragically lost his battle with cancer just two years later on October 26, 2017 at age 34. However, his legacy lives on through the team’s “Fight Like a Bronco” campaign. In the last 5 years, the Broncos have donated more than $250,000 to help fund research and prevention efforts in specific areas of cancer research and screenings. Additionally, the Broncos alongside the American Cancer Society have provided more than 72,000 screenings across Colorado.

Denver Day of Service: Through their Civic Engagement platform, the Broncos also promote the Denver Day of Service. Hosted by the team and Mile High United Way, this project is a one-day, multi-project initiative that brings together hundreds of volunteers to impact the local community. During the 2020 presidential election, the Broncos organized “Broncos Country Votes” official voter registration drive to encourage eligible Coloradans to register to vote and participate in local, state and national elections this season.

We Stand For: This campaign provides an opportunity for Broncos players, coaches and staff to raise awareness for causes and organizations that are making a difference in the fight for social justice. It allows the team members at all levels to use the club’s digital platforms and financial resources to support non-profits in their social justice work. 


Alexandra Bowman

Alexandra Bowman

Sports Philanthropy Network

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